Heart Essence of the Great Mother from the Khandro Nyingthig



Two Book Formats Available:

Physical Book
8.5”x11” Printed on Recycled Paper
Spiral Bound with a Clear Protective Cover
64 Pages

Personalized PDF Ebook 8.5″ x 11″ (For 1 Person)
(Automatic Download Link After Purchase)
64 pages

This is the single longest and complete treatise on dzogchen in the entire Khandro Nyingthig. The technical title of this text is the Root Supporting Instructions of the Great Heart Essence. Unlike some of the other texts in the Khandro Nyingthig, this particular set of instructions fully embraces the view of Samantabhadri’s Luminous Expanse Mother Tantra. From the opening “I prostrate to the self-luminous Samantabhadri,” to the final lines, which explain that those who practice as such will “become inseparable from the mother Samantabhadri and dakinis will accompany you like shadows,” this work clearly leads to the domains of the dakinis and the great primordial mother of the universe. These instructions have ten main topics:

  1. Nature of Reality Before either Samsara or Nirvana
  2. How that Becomes Confused
  3. How Buddhahood is Attained from that
  4. What Abides Where
  5. What Travels on the Path
  6. From What Gates and in What Fields Do Appearances Arise
  7. How to Practice
  8. How Practice Grows
  9. How the Fruition is Attained
  10. How it is Even Acceptable to Meet with Obstacles After Seeing This

Essentially, these are Padmasambhava’s deepest guidance on the nature of the universe woven through an understanding of the eighteen tantras, with a special emphasis on Samantabhadri’s Luminous Expanse Great Mother Tantra. This is an opportunity to drink deeply from the chalice of the mind of the legendary master of the rainbow body of the great transfer himself.

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PDF Ebook, Physical Book